US Online Gambling Ban Bills Introduced in the USA

us-online-gambling-ban-The legal situation with online gambling has always been interesting in the United States to say the least. With so many different laws on the state level and national level sometimes conflicting, it’s often seen as a grey area. A couple of years ago, the Department of Justice made it clear that the Wire Act of 1963 did not make all online gambling illegal and that the law only applied to sports betting. Now new bills for a US online gambling ban have been introduced to Congress to replace the effects that the Wire Act had.

About the Bills for a US Online Gambling Ban

In both the Senate and the House of Representatives, legislation has been introduced to ban all online gambling. The basic run-down of this is that it would make all online gambling illegal no matter what form it took, so this would apply to casino play, poker, bingo and everything else. Something that’s very interesting about this is that the Democrats control the Senate, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been a very vocal supporter of legalizing and regulating online poker on a national level.

The Conflict With State Laws

One major problem that could happen if this passes is the simple fact that a few states like New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have already passed legislation to regulate the industry inside of their state lines, and they are running different kinds of games this very moment. What will happen after that is anyone’s guess.

Many people believe that online gambling is an issue of the individual rights of states and that it should be decided on a state level in the same way that lotteries are done. A lot of others have said that the Wire Act never really stopped online gambling from happening in the first place, and they can’t see why it would be any different afterwards if a ban like this was passed. It will be interesting to see what happens with these bills in the next couple of months.

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