About The Three New Mybet Supervisors Added

mybet-supervisorsFor each major online casino operator, there is a group that supervises all operations and makes sure that things are going on like they should be. This is known as the supervisory board, and three new Mybet supervisors have been added in a recent move that will shake things up a bit for the company. There will be two new faces and one returning supervisor to this particular board, and it shows that this company is pushing forward and looking to expand over the next several months. This is good because the online casino industry needs all of the high-level expansion that it can get.

About the New Mybet Supervisors

Markus Knoss is one of the two new supervisors being added on. He works primarily as an authority on capital markets. Patrick Moller is the other new addition, and he’s considered to be a very skilled specialist who works on business models for Internet-based companies. The returning supervisor is Clemens Jakopitsch. This marks Jakopitsch’s second time on the board after stepping down during 2013. He owns an engineering company in Austria and is known for being particularly savy with pushing the cutting edge of whatever type of technology he is working with.

How the Board of Supervisors Works

Generally there’s a group of six people on the Mybet board of supervisors. However, these three additions are filling in three empty spots that have been made available after recent events. It’s not uncommon for people to surrender their positions on these boards after a while of trying to make a difference because they have so much else going on in their lives. Most of these supervisors operate their own businesses and have their own well-being to worry about with that, and that’s why they may serve a term or two as supervisors and move on to something else.

These supervisors are extremely important to Mybet maintaining their momentum and showing that they are serious about expanding in this industry. It will be interesting to see how these new supervisors will shape the company’s policies in the months going forward.

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