Spain Online Gambling Legislation Pushed Forward

Spain Online GamblingThe legal side of the online gambling world is interesting. Different countries all have their own different laws and ways of handling regulation (or lack thereof) of the Internet gambling industry. Even inside of specific countries, different regions can have wildly varying laws about even whether it’s legal for people to participate or not. Lately, however, a lot of countries have been adopting a similar approach of regulating the industry to help with bringing in revenues, and Spain online gambling is taking a massive step forward as the result of similar legislation that has been pushed recently.

Details on the Spain Online Gambling Legislation

National debt is a serious issue in Spain, and they are looking to use online gambling as a means of paying it off. They will soon be accepting licenses for sites to operate inside of the country at the end of a process that has taken more than two years to complete. Their main regulatory body is known as the DGOJ, and they will be looking to use these licenses as a way to bring in gaming that will add some revenues.

They are looking to have these games by licensed operators up and running at the beginning of next year. However, some operators already have licenses to operate inside of Spain on a more limited basis, and since Spain is opening up the games and things that they are offering, these operators will be on the fast-track to offering more games and options in the new, less-restricted environment.

One Potential Problem

There is one potential problem that could make things a little slow even after this lessening of the restrictions that Spain has on their operators. That potential issue is that there is a flat 25 percent tax rate on revenues from slots. While slots are the most popular type of game that sites offer these days, 25 percent is pretty high in terms of what operators normally pay. They have a lot of other expenses as well, and this could lead to players getting less-than-optimal payouts just to be able to pay these taxes.

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