Second UK Legal Challenge From Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association

Gibraltar Betting and Gaming AssociationRecent changes to UK gambling law with the Gambling Licensing and Advertising Act of 2014 have been met with a lot of criticism and more than one lawsuit now that the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association has filed another legal challenge against the law. Their original lawsuit pushed the implementation of the act back a month from October 1 to November 1, but it could be pushed back even more now depending how things play out with this second challenge.

The New Approach for the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association

The approach that the GBGA is taking this time is quite a bit different, and that’s why they are being allowed this second challenge. In short, people have criticized the new law for obstructing free trade and the “free movement of services guaranteed by Article 56 TFEU.” The general idea is that the agreement of the European Union has created a situation where certain guidelines have to be followed in terms of allowing competition from outside of a country as long as it’s inside of the EU and things of that nature, and because the new law could throw that into question, they believe it’s unlawful under EU rules.

About the Original Challenge

The original challenge to the new Gambling Act of 2014 had to do with the taxes being imposed on offshore businesses that reside in the European Union. That challenge was struck down on what many have considered to be for shaky reasons, but the fact of the matter is that it’s a very controversial law that is going to cause a lot of problems for business in the long run.

One of the main issues that people have with the law is that it pushes out a lot of the competition for UK businesses, and this makes it seem like a bit of a conflict of interest. It’s hard to say exactly what’s going to come of this second law, but a lot of gambling-related lawsuits have been happening lately over EU rules regarding free trade.

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