Pathological Gambler Driving Ban Enacted in Russia

Pathological Gambler Driving BanIn a move that’s sure to irritate a lot of people across the world (to say the least), Russia has passed a law that effectively acts as a pathological gambler driving ban. It’s been “marketed” as protecting people against having to drive with people who have mental disorders on the road, but it’s effectively a massive tool for trying to control people into not coming out with certain type of unacceptable social problems like problem gambling. It’s worth noting that the LGBT community isn’t happy about this one either because it prevents transgender people from getting a drivers license as well.

Why a Pathological Gambler Driving Ban?

There are so many problems with this law that it’s hard to know where to begin. While enforcing what are seen as social norms in the country, they’re providing a big incentive for problem gamblers to try to hide their issues and avoid getting help. This could directly lead to an increase in the impact of problem gambling in Russia, and though that’s the opposite of what the law is probably intended to do (in theory?), the fact of the matter is that it’s a horrible piece of legislation that sets back responsible efforts to give people help with problem online gambling.

The Issue of Problem Gambling

In the online gambling world, we have to be particularly careful of how we handle people who have a predisposition towards compulsive gambling. This type of thing has to be handled correctly so that ethical forms of providing gambling services are in place instead of simply preying on people who have problems that are out of their control.

While it’s good to provide incentives and opportunities for those with problem gambling issues to come forward, this new Russia law doesn’t do that at all. Instead, it tries to force these people to deal with these issues on their own instead of getting help, and that’s not going to help anyone or society as a whole.

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