NGA Announcement Attacks Anti-Online Gambling Legislation

Anti Online Gambling LegislationFor a long time, the Wire Act in the United States was used to say that there was a federal ban on all types of online gambling. The act itself very clearly referred to sports betting only, and the DOJ eventually made an announcement that clarified that point. In turn, there has been legislation introduced that could reverse that and make all forms of online gambling against the law in the United States. The National Governors Association, also known as the NGA for short, has recently spoken out against this anti-online gambling legislation.

About the Anti-Online Gambling Legislation

First off, it’s extremely unlikely that this legislation would pass right now. There are too many key figured in Congress lined up against it for it to get the votes that it would need to pass. Aside from that, several states are fighting hard against this legislation because of the power it takes away from the states to decide how they want to handle gambling themselves.

The National Governors Association is one key group, and they have spoken out against this legislation for the same reason. The relationship between the federal and state governments is a tricky one, but generally speaking, regulating all forms of gambling has typically been under the umbrella of the states. Even the UIGEA, the most infamous piece of online gambling legislation on the federal level, did not dare to touch the legality of gambling.

Key Political Maneuvers

A lot of this is being seen as political maneuvering. By introducing and backing this bill, Senator Lindsay Graham and Senator Lason Chaffetz are just looking to drum up their political clout by making it look like they are active in taking what would typically be considered a conservative position, though many republicans still think that it should be left up to the states.

It’s a tricky situation to a degree, but it’s exceptionally unlikely to ever see the light of day in a practical sense. Aside from that, it’s good to see such powerful groups against this anti-online gambling legislation.

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