Mississippi Online Gambling Study Coming Up

Mississippi Online GamblingRegulated Internet gambling in the United States has been shot down over and over at the federal level, and the states have been slowly-but-surely pushing to regulate things on their own level. This has led to some tension between the state and federal governments, but it’s also led to some of the first regulated gambling in a few different states. Other states are looking to push forward as well, and a new Mississippi online gambling study that’s coming up soon could have them stepping up to be one of the next states to regulate it as well.

Mississippi Online Gambling Study Ordered

For the past few years, Representative Bobby Moak has been trying to introduce measures into the state legislature that would have them push forward on regulating online gambling in the state. As a result, the House Gaming Committee has decided to commission a study on Internet gambling regulated on the state level. Their focus is on how it has helped (or hurt) the states like Delaware and New Jersey who have already regulated the games. By looking at how things have happened in these states, they will have a better idea of the effects of regulating the games in Mississippi.

Major Front Runner Status

When New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada started regulating online casino, poker and bingo games, industry experts suggested that other states would wait and see what happened with those states before pushing forward on their own legislation. These states are the perfect case studies, and that’s why states like Missisippi are studying them to see what the benefits and disadvantages could be to opening things up for their own residents.

A number of problems have already been worked out on a major level, and that’s another benefit to being second in line instead of being a front runner yourself. You can learn from the mistakes of others and hit the ground running without having to reinvent the wheel, so to speak.

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