Delaware Online Casino Revenues See Another Increase

Delaware Online Casino RevenuesOne of the most interesting aspects of the regulated online casino industry in the United States right now is that each individual state is dealing with entirely different factors that have led to either growth or a lack of it. In one particular state, things have continued to grow: The Delaware online casino revenues have increased during the month of November. This comes after a bit of a slump that hit in the late summer/early fall, and with a month-on-month increase of 42 percent, it shows that online gambling in this state is far from being down and out.

Why Delaware Online Casino Revenues Are Important

The thing about Delaware in particular is that they’re dealing with a really small base of players, and they’re a very small state, so they are at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with games like poker that require a bit of a player base to be successful. Despite these disadvantages, they are still showing that they can pull a significant amount of money with their games, and this is a key example to look to as other states considering adding online gambling games in 2015.

Growth was seen in basically all aspects of the online gambling operations in Delaware which is also good because it shows that they aren’t relying on putting all of their eggs in just one of the metaphorical baskets.

The Future of the Industry in the USA

In an indirect way, the future of the online gambling industry in the United States largely hinges on how the Delaware games do. The reason for this is that they’re the weakest state in terms of natural disadvantages, and this means that their results will naturally be chosen as an example of why online gambling will fail in any given state’s debates on the subject. Along these lines, if Delaware does well in spite of these disadvantages, it gives opponents of the expansion of Internet casino play less ammunition to work with.

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