American Online Gambling Pushing Forward Even More

American Online GamblingRight now, there are three states that have regulated Internet gambling on some level: Delaware, New Jersey and Nevada. This happened in 2013 for the most part, and 2014 is seeing several other states start to push forward. Things happening on the state level are seen as the biggest chance that American online gambling has to succeed on any kind of quick time table, and with several states putting on studies of the existing games and what Internet gambling would do for their revenues, this is an exciting time for American players.

Why Now For American Online Gambling?

Revenues for the state and federal governments have been pale in comparison to expenses for quite a while in most states. Along these lines, the states are looking to get revenues from places that they were previously ignoring, and online gambling is one way to do just that. The major states that are looking to introduce Internet gambling legislation include California, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois among others. Opening these games can add millions of dollars to state coffers while also providing stable jobs for a lot of people. It has the added effect of giving people safe and secure games to play where they do not have to be at risk from rogue operators.

These States Matter a Lot

Consider the following. There are about 310 million to 315 million people in the United States at the time of this writing. California has about 40 million people, and the combination of Pennsylvania and Illinois has about 25 million people. We’re talking about a major percentage of the total population of the country having online gambling opened up to them through these state bills, and that’s why right now is such a critical point for the subject.

The more states that put forward games, the more we’re going to see deals between different states to share player pools and resources. This brings in even more people, and that makes the games better for everyone involved. This is how regulated American online gambling is likely to come about over the next few years.

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