Strategic Adjustments for All American Video Poker

All American Video PokerThere are tons of different video poker variations out there, but All American video poker stands out for having one of the higher payout rates of a lot of the games at online casinos. What makes this game really stand out is the much higher payouts for straights and flushes, and that creates a number of scenarios where you should play differently than you would under typical circumstances. We want to cover some of these strategic adjustments here and give you the information that you need to perform well in this video poker game.

Basic Changes for All American Video Poker

Most hands in video poker come down to playing either a single pair, high or low, or some type of draw. The increased payouts for flushes and straights in All American mean that the value of your draws are going to be increased by quite a bit, and most of these changes revolve around the relationship between low pairs and straight draws. The relationship between flush draws and high pairs is basically the same as usual.

Strong and Weak Straight Draws

In All American, you have to distinguish between strong and weak gutshot straight draws. Weak gutshot straight draws are four-out straight draws that do not include any cards jack or higher. For example, falls into this category. On the other hand, strong gutshot straight draws are four-out draws that do include at least one high card. These include hands like , and .

Strong gutshot straight draws are better than low pairs, and all eight-out straight draws are better than low pairs. This is the key adjustment that you need to make in this game.

Straight Draws and High Pairs

In All American, eight-out straight draws are stronger than high pairs. Moreover, three cards to a royal that are all jack or higher are also better hands that high pairs. This is a bit different picture than what you’ll normally find in most games, and it’s important to keep in mind because there’s a lot of value to be had from playing these hands correctly.

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