A Brief History of Black Jack

History of Black JackThe number 21 – That is all you need to win this game. Blackjack is one of the most popularly played casino games in the world. Most people play this game because there aren’t that many complicated rules involved and if you win, then you stand a chance to get a lot to take way. But there is a whole different category of people who think they can own the game. More often than not, it doesn’t work out for them. Despite that, the allure of the game is still as strong as ever.

Since its creation, the game has evolved numerous times and thanks to the diversity offered online casinos, it still continues to do so with its various versions available on the internet.

If you want to know this game a little bit better, then read this quick recap of the origin and evolution of blackjack.


·         French

Researchers and historians are still arguing and debating about the origins of this game. No one can tell you the exact date, location or creator of blackjack but most historians and researchers agree that the game had its origin early to late 1700s in the casinos of France. At that time it was called Vingt-et-Un, literally meaning twenty one, which is in fact another name for this game. Again, this can’t be said for sure but most believe that the game was based around the most popular casino games of that time Chemin de Fer (railway) and French Ferme (French farm).

·         Spanish

There is a Spanish version as well which states that the game was actually called 31 and players were to reach that number by picking at least three cards.

·         Roman

An even older theory states that Romans used wooden blocks with different numerical values to play a game that was somewhat similar to blackjack. This theory might hold some merit as Romans were notorious for gambling but there aren’t any solid facts to support it.


·         North America

The popularity of the game gained momentum when it reached North America, and from there many forms of blackjack originated which people still play today.

The name blackjack came about when the state of Nevada made gambling legal in 1931. The game known as 21 would offer 10-to-1 odds on the bet if the players got a jack of clubs and an ace of spades. The format discontinued but the name remained and from there, it turned into the game we know today.

Blackjack is as much about chance as it is about anticipation. But it all depends on how much you are willing to gamble on it. To catch the hottest games in town, check out this online blackjack guide right now!


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